Thức's GitHub

Thức Trần (Thức Nè)

IT Consultant at Netcompany A/S, Software Engineer and Coffee Lover

Featured Projects

Personal Work

I built some projects that I can actually use in real life.
Here are some of them.

A blog posting platform. Fast. SEO friendly. Easy to use.

So far, this is the biggest project I've ever built. My blogs are created and posted here.

Link Shortener / Image Uploader

Link Shortener / Image Uploader

Shorten links or upload images and get a shareable link / QR.

Simple but useful apps. They serve my daily work.

My Lexicons app

My Lexicons

A simple dictionary app built with good practices and modern technologies.

The latest project, built with latest technologies and open to the public.

And this, random emoji link 👉Emoji👈, too...

Technical Skills

What I Can Do

I have experience in building web applications and services in a variety of technologies. But here are some of the technologies I'm most comfortable with.

React Logo

Next.js / React

JavaScript / TypeScript





MUI - Material UI


Get in Touch

Contact Me

I'm always open to new opportunities and collaborations. Feel free to reach out!

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